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    How to Write English Dubbing Scripts for Two Characters


    Dubbing is an essential process in bringing foreign films, TV shows, and animations to a wider audience. One important aspect of dubbing is writing the script, especially when there are two characters interacting with each other. In this article, we will explore the process of writing English dubbing scripts for two characters, providing valuable insights and guidelines.

    Q: How should the dialogue between two characters be written in an English dubbing script?

    A: When writing dialogue between two characters in an English dubbing script, it is crucial to maintain clarity and coherence. Each character's lines should be clearly indicated and separated from the other's lines. Use indentation or dashes to distinguish the two characters' dialogue and ensure that it flows naturally.


    Character A: Good morning, Character B.

    Character B: Morning, Character A. How are you?

    Q: How can we accurately convey the emotions and intonation of each character in the script?

    A: To accurately convey the emotions and intonation of each character, it is important to include specific directions and notes in the script. Describe the tone, mood, or emphasis for certain lines to guide the voice actors in their performance. Additionally, use punctuation and formatting techniques like italics or capitalization to highlight specific words or phrases that require emphasis.


    Character A: (excitedly) I can't believe it!

    Character B: (calmly) Take your time, there's no rush.

    Q: Are there any specific guidelines for writing overlapping dialogue between two characters?

    A: When writing overlapping dialogue, indicate it with ellipses or parentheses. This helps the voice actors understand that their lines might overlap with the other character's lines. It is important to ensure that the overlap is realistic and does not hinder the comprehension of the dialogue.


    Character A: I really think we should...

    Character B: ...go to the park today.

    Q: Should the script include non-verbal sounds or actions for the characters?

    A: Yes, the script should include non-verbal sounds or actions that accompany the dialogue. These can be described in brackets or italics to indicate that they are not spoken lines. By including non-verbal cues, such as sighs, laughter, or footsteps, the script provides an immersive experience for the voice actors and enhances the overall dubbing quality.


    Character A: (laughs) That's hilarious!

    Character B: (sighs) I've had a long day.


    Writing English dubbing scripts for two characters requires careful attention to detail and effective communication of emotions, intonation, and non-verbal cues. By following the guidelines discussed, the writers can ensure a seamless and engaging dubbing experience, bringing the characters to life in a new language.



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